You can apply for a top-up on your existing loan once you have made the minimum required number of repayments. A top-up is a further loan, which will be added to your existing balance (so you will still just have the one repayment to make each week / fortnight / month or every 4 weeks)
It is quick and easy to apply online, and usually takes around 5 minutes. You will need to submit your bank statements with your application, as well as any other documents we ask for.
**Top Tip** To receive the fastest possible decision, we recommend you use the quick and easy link at the end of the application form to securely transfer us your bank statements using your online or mobile banking**.
Once we have received your application and bank statements, we will usually be able to give you a loan decision within 1 to 2 working days.
Not sure if you can apply yet? If you know the loan product you are currently on, you can check the top-up eligibility criteria on our loan product pages. Alternatively you can give our helpline a call on 0114 276 0787.
If you would like to discuss your eligibility for applying for a different loan product, please email or call our helpline on 0114 276 0787.